What Is Required To Be A Good Copywriter?

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Written By Clinton

October 21, 2022

You’re probably thinking… Alright, I get it, I understand copywriting is important, but how do I become good at copywriting?

The good news is you don’t need a degree to be a copywriter. In fact no formal education is required.

As a total novice or junior copywriter the top requirement is mentality and mindset. You have to actually want to get good at copywriting.

Oh by the way if you have just stumbled across this page.

This article is a follow on from: What is copywriting ? A copywriting 101 if you like, so be sure to go back and read for context.

Okay, back to it…

Once you have committed to getting good at copywriting you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, simply model what works.

Obviously reading copywriting secrets by Jim Edwards is a must along with priming your mind to stay conscious, seek out opportunities to learn and internalize quality examples.

HINT: Almost every successful copywriter will have a file of highly successful ads, profitable sales letters, video scripts, awesome headlines and engaging emails.

Start collecting and storing good examples (words and sentences that make you stop) so you can re-publish into your own campaigns.

The final aspect to becoming better is to test, constantly trial different ideas, presentations and call to actions. As you share your message over time you will know what triggers your audience to take action.

Once you know what works you can improve sales results even more by implementing these strategies into sales funnels. (Learn more about sales funnles here)

How can I improve my copywriting skills?

There’s two ways you can go about improving your copywriting skills, both require practice and one takes a little longer than the other.

  1. Through man hours, dedication, testing and action.
  2. Investing in resources, exercises, templates and formulas to shortcut your learning curve.

Both will work long term however investing in your education will always bring faster results.

Recommended resources for fast results.

Copywriting secrets – #1 best copywriting book of all time

If you’re not a reader, you can pick up copywriting secrets via audio book so you can listen in your own time and on the go.

If you’re more so looking for a plug and play copywriting software that saves you time by writing everything for you then funnel scripts may be more down your alley. Funnel scripts is the ultimate push-button swipe file for creating all the sales copy you need to succeed no matter what you sell.

If you choose man hours and dedication it’s only fair to leave you with some copywriting tips and secrets.

Use these copywriting tips for social media, your blogs, videos and anything else you publish.

  • Focus on headlines, they will make the biggest and fastest impact on your results
  • Make sure your copy is about your customer; remove or swap out I, me, my, ours for there’s something you need to know.
  • Never stop learning, observing and testing – You never know what will work until you try.
  • Build curiosity and come across as a friend or trusted advisor – Nothing converts higher than curiosity
  • Keep your message simple and direct

Good luck!

Can you actually make money as a copywriter?

Yes absolutely, positioning yourself as a quality copywriter will almost guarantee you make more money. Mastering this skill, you will naturally sell more products, recruit more team members to your opportunity, convert more browsers into buyers and see higher click through rates on your adds and emails.

Not only in business, if you build a reputation of being a quality copywriter you may even start to offer copywriting services as a freelancer or contractor.

So how much can a copywriter make?

Obviously this depends on how good you are, There are just too many variables to accurately advise. So is best to work off examples.

Jim Edwards has written sales letters that have fetched over 3 million dollars in sales over the years.

Other copywriters may charge up to $5,000 – $25,000 per project.

As a business owner or online marketer the possibilities are endless.

According to Katetooncopywriter.com

Hourly rates range from $50–$80 per hour for junior copywriters, $80–$120 per hour for mid level copywriters and professional copywriters can request $120–$200 per hour.

Where to find work as a copywriter

If you’re thinking about working as a copywriter but don’t know where to start or don’t have your own products or services to sell. A good place to start might be affiliate marketing or freelancing.

You can learn more about affiliate marketing here: What is affiliate marketing (Quick & Easy Refresher Guide)

A couple of places to list your freelancing services would be:

Upwork.com –  Where jobs are posted and you quote to complete the work.

Fiver.com – List your services and get paid for writing jobs starting at $5.

How to start copywriting

All this information is great! But how do you actually get started?

This is copywriting 101 for beginners, how to get started in 2 simple steps.

If you remember the end goal is to lead your reader, viewer or listener to take a certain action.

With this in mind all you have to do to get started is determine the why and begin to try.

That’s it, determine the why and begin to try.

Why =  Customers why, explain how your product/ service can help them get the desired result.

Try = Start sharing your message, via print, audio, video or online.

To be honest when you first start you are going to suck, you will write and publish and not receive a single reader or comment. You might already be experiencing this with your copy.

The truth is copywriting is not a born skill, it’s learned, practiced and mastered… Anyone can start and get insanely good at copy.

Before you can be great, you have to be good. Before you can be good, you have to be bad. Before you can be bad, you have to try.

How to get started copywriting?

Determine the why and try.

Simple 🙂

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